UK Boycott Divestment Sanction
7 November 2009 to 15 November 2009
Location: Global
This coincides with a week of action called by the Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign (
Phone-in day Wednesday November 11
It is time to step up the supermarket boycott campaign which calls for consumers to reject Israeli goods for as long as Palestinian rights are denied by the apartheid regime. We must specially oppose the stocking of produce from the Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, which is stolen land. The excellent motion passed by the TUC Congress gives added impetus. The settlements are illegal under international law and goods originating there should not be on sale in the UK. The label ‘West Bank’ is grossly misleading; some shoppers think they are buying Palestinian produce.
From November 7 to 15, PSC and other organisations across the UK are targeting Waitrose and Morrisons supermarkets in particular, as both refuse to discuss the question of settlement goods. We aim to inundate them with calls to their HQs on Wednesday November 11. Note these numbers:
Morrisons Customer Services — 0845 611 6111
Waitrose Customer Services — 0800 188 884
Branches and individual members can stage a range of actions during the weekends of November 7-8 and November 14-15, and any time in between:
- Write or deliver letters to the manager of your local store
- Write or email their headquarters
- Organise or join a demonstration at your local branch
- Set up a stall or hand out leaflets outside your local branch
- Deluge Morrisons and Waitrose with phonecalls on Weds November 11
- Display photos, placards and other visual information making the case against Israeli apartheid
- Contact local media to publicise the campaign
If you have no Waitrose or Morrisons in your area, please raise the issue of Israeli and settlement goods in your local stores. In the case of M&S and the Co-op, encourage them to continue their existing policies of not stocking goods from illegal settlements but also not to stock Israeli goods at all.
Useful resources including model letters, videos of demos, pictures and links to background information are available via
Relevant contact details:
Waitrose Customer Service (8 am – 10 pm Mon – Fri, 8 am – 9 pm Sat, 9 am – 7 pm Sun)
Freephone: 0800 188 884
Waitrose Customer Service Dept, Waitrose Ltd, Doncaster Rd, Bracknell, Berks RG12 8YA
Morrisons Customer Service: 0845 611 6111
Head Office - 0845 611 5000
Registered office - Hillmore House, Gain Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD3 7DL
Picket Morrison's head office
13 November 2009 14:30 to 16:30
Location: Outside Morrisons HQ, Gain Land, Bradford, BD3 7DL
Morrisons supermarkert profited from the sale of Israeli goods throughout the bombing of Gaza, and they continue to do so. Unlike some other supermarkets they refuse even to discuss their sale of goods from illegal Israeli settlements.
The Picket will be on Friday 13th November from 2.30 to 4.30pm outside Morrisons HQ, Gain Land, Bradford, BD3 7DL. Map
Bring childrens "bloodstained" clothing, candles, and your placards
Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Week of Action 7-16 November
Unite against Apartheid - Tear down the walls in Palestine - Break the siege on Gaza
The Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, its popular committees and member organizations call on activists to launch a week of global mobilization against the walls of apartheid in the West Bank and Gaza from November 9 to 16 2009.
read full call for action from Palestine
As part of a UK wide targetted action
What you can do:
1. Join Scottish PSC or other boycott Israel action during this week of action
2. Phone-in to target supermarket on Wednesday November 11
3. Email target supermarket
Morrisons Customer Services – 0845 611 6111
Waitrose Customer Services - 0800 188 884
Chief Executive Officers:
Other actions you can do:
o Write or deliver letters to the manager of your local store
o Contact local media to publicise the campaign
If you have no Waitrose or Morrisons in your area, raise the issue of Israeli and settlement goods in your local stores. In the case of M&S and the Co-op, encourage them to continue their existing policies of not stocking goods from illegal settlements but also not to stock Israeli goods at all.
Waitrose Customer Service (8 am – 10 pm Mon – Fri, 8 am – 9 pm Sat, 9 am – 7 pm Sun)
Freephone: 0800 188 884
Waitrose Customer Service Dept, Waitrose Ltd, Doncaster Rd, Bracknell, Berks RG12 8YA
Morrisons Customer Service: 0845 611 6111
Head Office - 0845 611 5000
Registered office - Hillmore House, Gain Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD3 7DL
Boycott Israel action outside Waitrose, Morningside, Edinburgh:
Saturday 7 Nov 2pm to 4pm
& Thurs 12 Nov 5.30pm to 7pm
A Plea to Norway's University of Trondheim to Boycott Israel
It is shocking that the world accepts Israel’s genocides and threats against its neighbors as fait accompli without regard to the never ending suffering of Palestinians under its brutal military occupation. Palestinians and Lebanese die, suffer and endure in silence in a world conditioned to accept Israel’s “right to self defense”, a euphemism for wanton murder. They die in silence, absent from the western conscience due to the blanket support of most western media outlets, none more so than in America, the nation exporting democracy and freedom through smart bombs and biased politicians who if they dare to criticize Israel jeopardize their ambitions and become the recipients of the worst media smears. In the U.S. no debate or action is allowed against Israel either by our own “never challenge Israel” government or by our staunchly Pro-Israel media.
The academicians and experts invited to your university to speak on this issue know first hand their personal victimization at the hands of Pro-Israel forces. They have risked much for the truth and are honorable men and women.
Please do the right thing and vote for an academic boycott of Israel, a nation that is neither civilized nor democratic, by setting an educational precedent for your university, faculty, alumni, but most importantly for your students, that standing up for principles is the foundation for all just laws and human rights for all peoples and not just the powerful few.
Teach them to adopt “freedom from fear” as their guiding principle in life while facing all challenges, especially challenges that discriminate between the powerful and the weak, the haves and have nots, that no people should be victimized by the power of money and weapons.

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